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Two Birds

This year Capricornia Printmakers Incorporated held their 4th annual members exhibition. This members and friends organisation is a not-for-profit body, incorporated for the purpose of sharing print studio facilities, comradery and creative energy. The title for this year's exhibition was 'Two birds, One stone'. This side project had me think about the development of the Saraji works in fresh ways. I decided that I would make a run of prints that were not intended to comprise a formal edition as per the fine art printing tradition. Instead, I thought that I could use the reproductive potential of screen-printing to make a series of related but unique prints that incorporated serendipity a bit more than I normally would. The intention was to screen-print layers of opaque and transparent colours over alternating layers of drawn and painted marks. Naturally, I wanted to make a print that could be included in the Capricornia Printmakers exhibition and still be relevant for the exhibition at the Rockhampton Art Gallery the following year. Ironically, the resultant works hit two birds with the same set six or seven screens. These are some of the results.


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